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Early Years Program

Davis™ Concepts for Life – Early Years

The purpose of Davis Concepts for Life: Early Years is to assist children under the age of 8 who are struggling to meet developmental milestones this may include focus, behaviour, relationships, self-regulation, and /or executive functioning skills

4-8 years

Length of Program
30 hours

Highly trained facilitators work individually with each client, so the program is delivered at their pace and according to their needs and goals.  The facilitator works with both the client and the helper/support person. Depending upon the age and ability of the client, the amount of time the support person is present will vary. In many cases, most of the session will focus on the Facilitator coaching the helper/support person to work with the client at home.

Davis Concepts for Life: Early Years is a four-step program.

  • The support person is given a set of self-regulation tools, to assist them to be calm and relaxed while working with the client.

  • The client is assisted in becoming more present in the world, developing accurate perceptions and gaining an awareness of self through self-regulation tools.

  • A series of developmental concepts are created using the multisensory medium of clay.

  • The learning is consolidated with daily life experiences, essential in allowing the client to integrate the concept for themselves and build a ‘filing system’ for their future thinking and behavior.

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Program Outcomes

Although no specific changes can be guaranteed, in almost all cases positive and lasting changes have been experienced. Below are general trends that have been reported:

  • Better self-regulation (can calm themselves down)

  • Showing much less anxiety

  • Reductions in stress

  • Less resistance to change

  • Willingness to try new things

  • Increase in play with others

  • Increased understanding of cause and effect

  • Can follow instructions using the ideas of before and after

  • Improvement in behaviour

  • Will go along with others ideas /suggestions in play.

  • Understands why –improved reasoning

  • Willing to share own ideas

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© Rocky Point Academy 2020. Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis® Symbol Mastery, Davis® Orientation Counseling, Davis® Attention Mastery, Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International. Davis®, Davis Autism Approach®, Davis® Stepping Stones, and Davis® Concepts for Life are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Commercial use of these trademarks to identify educational, instructional, or therapeutic services requires licensing by the trademark owner. www.rdautismfoundation.org

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