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Rocky Point Academy

Below is a feed to our blog. We consistently post new research articles regarding Learning, Executive Functioning, Attention, Autism and other similar topics. Each one of our articles is carefully reviewed, ensuring you get quality content.
Rocky point Academy Blog


Valentine's Day Through The Eyes of An Autist In Love
For every person who absolutely loves the flowers and the chocolate, there’s another who can’t stand the sight of anything remotely mushy. A

Building Social Skills: 6 Basic Puzzle Pieces to Share with Your Kids for Stronger Relationships
In my 25 years of working with children and teens on learning and executive function skills, I've noticed that social skills often take...

What is STEM, and does it support neurodiverse learners?
Why neurodiverse thinking is an advantage in the STEM fields.

Boosting Academic Performance - The Link Between Children's Household Chores and School Grades
As parents, we constantly find ourselves in the quest to raise children who are responsible, confident, and capable. In the pursuit of...

Balancing Screen Time: How Video Games May Enhance Learning for Children with Disabilities
As a Calgary-based parent and educator, I have often wrestled with the conundrum of balancing education and entertainment for children...

Dismantling The Left-Brain/Right-Brain Myth
Have you ever classified yourself as a 'right-brained' creative spirit or a 'left-brained' logical thinker?

Do you find yourself or a loved one repeating the same negative behavior over and over again? Perhaps you constantly find yourself being...

Key Struggles Linked to the Dyslexic Mind
Here are some key struggles linked to the dyslexic mind.

Disorientation and distorted perceptions do more than create symptoms of dyslexia.

A Dyslexic Child in School
Proficient reading is an essential tool for learning a large part of the subject matter taught at school. With an ever increasing emphasis..

Multiple Intelligences
The idea of multiple intelligences was conceived by Dr. Howard Gardner. Multiple intelligences are seven different ways people demonstrate..

Modes of Learning & How they Can be Combined in One Program
Dr. Glasser is an internationally recognized psychiatrist. He states: We learn…Clay mastery techniques address all modes of learning...

Learning Styles, Their Differences & Advantages
Educators are taught there are three learning styles: visual, auditory and tactile/kinaesthetic. Good instruction includes all three...

Learning to Read: Phonics vs. Whole Word
Research shows us that there is no one best way to build literacy skills. A balanced approach to teaching reading follows three ...

Davis Program Average Reading Gains
The RPA’s data shows an average improvement of almost 4 full grade levels in reading. More than one-third of the group showed improvement.

Icelandic survey shows 100% satisfaction with the Davis Program
In a study where 200 people took the program all of the clients that participated in the survey felt the program delivered as promised.

Decoding Dyslexia - Book Preview
A study of dyslexic methods concludes the key element for dyslexic success is orientation: the main focus of Davis Methods.

The Effect of the Davis Program on the Reading Ability & Psychological Functioning of Children
This study shows that the Davis techniques helped the reading, spelling, and psychological functioning of children.

Brain Scans Show Dyslexics Read Better with Alternative Strategies
Scientists studying the brain have found that dyslexic adults who become capable readers use different neural pathways than non-dyslexics.

S. African Researchers Report Reading Success with Davis Methods
Researchers in South Africa, compared the progress of dyslexic students who were given Davis Methods. They progressed significantly.
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