Rocky Point Academy

Our Learning Programs
Program Structure

Rocky Point Academy's programs are detailed and thorough. Each step has been carefully engineered to develop:
An awareness of how they learn,
Tools and skills that suit their learning style,
An ability and confidence to apply to their future learning.
This results in a positive, enlightening, and life-changing program. Every Learning Program goes through the following steps:
Click pictures to read more.
Online Video Seminar
Online Intake Forms
Registration & Deposit
One-On-One Instruction
30-hour Program
Free Reviews for Life
Davis Perceptual Assessment
Davis Symptoms Profile
School/Work Symptoms Profile
Pre & Post Academic Levels
Support Training
Home-Study Program
Training of Parent or Support Person
Take-Home Materials

Common Characteristics

Most people with dyslexia or ADHD will exhibit over 10 of the following traits and behaviours. These characteristics can vary from day-to-day or minute-to-minute. The most consistent thing is their inconsistency.
(Feel free to check these and print them out at your convenience).
Alternate Diagnosis

To make our website simpler, we use the terms dyslexia and ADD when speaking about the thought process we work with. In Canada, dyslexia is often diagnosed as a Specific Learning Disability (in some area). Our clients have come with many different diagnoses. Some of the more common being:
ADD (medical term)
Struggles with maintaining attention or focus.
Irlen Syndrome
Another name for dyslexia.
ADD with the addition of physical motion.
Learning Disability
Unexplained struggles with learning.
Asperger's Syndrome
Autism with a high level of functionality.
Low Executive Functioning
Struggles with planning, organizing, time management, remembering details, and following directions.
Auditory Processing Disorder
Struggles with processing spoken language.
Non-Verbal Learning Disability
Struggles with responding to social cues.
Developmental Reading Disorder
Struggles with processing language symbols.
Struggles with math.
Phonological Disorder
Inability to use some of the speech sounds.
Struggles with writing.
Scoptic Sensitivity Syndrome
Also called visual dyslexia.
Struggles with reading or spelling.
Sequencing Disorder
Struggles with sequencing.
Struggles with co-ordination.
Sepeated hesitation and delay in uttering words.
Particular strength in one or more areas.
Tourette's Syndrome
Involuntary movement, sound, and/or language.
Struggles with controlling energy levels.
Visual Processing Disorder
Another name for dyslexia.
Although we have worked with these disorders, we cannot work with a client until Rocky Point Academy has assessed them for the thought process we work with. Our assessments are free (please contact us). Our programs are primarily designed to correct language-based problems, math issues, executive functioning skills or attention disorders.

How It's A Gift
At the root of dyslexia, ADD and many other learning disabilities is a gift. It is the ability to think and perceive multi-dimensionally in order to eliminate confusion. These individuals are very intelligent, curious, intuitive and imaginative. They often show great talents in specific areas such as: the arts, designing, engineering, storytelling, piloting vehicles, strategic planning, inventing or spatial awareness. Yet, when they enter school and attempt to read and write, they struggle and can be mislabeled as lazy, daydreamers, slow or undisciplined. The methods used at Rocky Point Academy show them how to recognize and control the mental processes that cause distortions in vision, hearing, movement/balance and time.

It is very evident, as we reflect on our world’s history, that a high percentage of those who have made significant contributions to society are visual spatial learners. Their influence has had profound impact in: science, medicine, art, entertainment, music, literature, politics, invention, business and more. They can dream big. think outside of the box, and arrive at creative solutions.
They have succeeded because of dyslexia… not despite dyslexia.

Why It's A Struggle

Humans think in two ways: pictorially and verbally. Most everyone thinks in both modes, but each individual tends to specialize more in one area than another.

Picture Thinking
thinking with the pictures of concepts or ideas
associative (non-linear)
like 3 dimensional, multi-sensory movies
works well when using imagination, for figuring out how things work, creating, athletics and arts
Pictorial thought is the primary thinking style of people with dyslexia.
Verbal Thinking
thinking with the sounds of words
linear in time
follows the structure of language
works very well for reading, writing, listening or speaking
To see how the picture-thinking process can cause a learning disability, click through the slideshow below and follow the steps an individual goes through when they encounter words, symbols and concepts they do not understand.

The individual encounters a confusing stimulus. This can be a written or spoken word, symbol, or object.

The lack of recognition causes confusion.

Compulsive solutions are adopted to solve the mistakes. A solution will be a method of knowing or doing something that’s compulsive and has worked at least once. This usually begins to appear around age 8 or 9. Now, instead of the confusion triggering a disorientation, it will trigger the compulsive solution.

The individual encounters a confusing stimulus. This can be a written or spoken word, symbol, or object.

For the dyslexic, creativity is an essential part of the learning process. Mastery requires creativity.
We (dyslexics) only learn those things which we, ourselves create. If we create something in the form of memorization, that is what we have – something memorized. If we create something in the form of understanding, that’s what we have – understanding. But, if we create something in the form of mastery, it becomes a part of us, it becomes a part of our intellect. When something is mastered, it becomes a part of our thinking process.
When we memorize something, or when we understand something, we have created it mentally. In other words we have created mental pictures or mental sounds for the thing. When something is mastered, it isn’t just created mentally, it must also be created in the real world. Creating mentally, inside ourselves, the best we can come up with is understanding; it requires creating it outside of ourselves to master it.
No matter how thoroughly we understand riding a bicycle, the understanding of it won’t keep us from tipping over the first time get on the bike. Mastering riding the bike requires that we get on the bike and ride it. We

The Power of Clay (Installing the Concept By Ronald Davis)
have to create it in the real world in order to master it.
The question is: how can we master a word? We can’t get on it and ride it around. But we can create it in the real world.
When we make the concept of the word in clay, what we are doing is creating that concept in the real world.
When we create the concept of the word in clay, and then add what the word looks like and what the word sounds like, we have created that word in the real world. That word is mastered.

Educational Therapy, Not Tutoring

The programs are more like educational therapy than tutoring. They are not based on a particular grade level or curriculum. We work on the underlying processes that affect progress with reading, writing, math and focusing. This program addresses the root cause of learning disabilities by using the natural strengths of the individual’s thinking and learning style. It is fun.
Clients leave with tools that can be used for life-long learning and a greater understanding of how they learn. This results in increased confidence, ability, and control of their own learning.
Each of our facilitators has received extensive training and show great dedication, care, understanding, and patience with their clients. A client stays with the same facilitator throughout their whole program so there is continuity and maximum understanding of each client’s strengths and needs.
Correction of the root of the problem, rather than the symptoms.
A lifetime of correction.
Drug-free solution.
An amazing success rate. (see results)
Complimentary assessments.
One-on-one (program is individualized for each client).
Support training for parents, teachers, and/or tutors.
Unlimited phone support.
Free reviews.
A devoted, well-trained, experienced staff.

Program Results

Rocky Point Academy was established as an in-home tutoring service in Bremerton, Washington in 1998. Rocky Point Academy then incorporated and moved to Calgary, Alberta in 2000, where it became a learning center and continued to achieve a 97 per cent success rate. The primary programs implemented (Davis Dyslexia Correction Programs®), were established in 1985 and are offered in over 30 languages and over 40 countries, making it the most widely used dyslexia correction program in the world.
The following statistics have been gathered from 360+ consecutive reading programs. The reading level was measured at the beginning and end of the basic five-day program.The average improvement shows an increase of 3.96 grade levels.

The reading level was measured using the Ekwall-Shanker Reading Inventory. This measures word recognition as well as comprehension when reading both silently and aloud.
Our experience is that clients continue to improve as they work with the tools they’ve been given during the week. Since we are correcting, rather than giving coping mechanisms, the tools can be used for a lifetime of self-correction.